Nigerian Safety Investigation Bureau (NSIB) has called on the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority to inspect all Allied Air aircraft for potential mechanical and structural vulnerabilities, including flap and landing gear systems.
These safety gaps of the airline and its operations may have caused a serious incident involving the airline’s B737 400 Freighter aircraft with registration marks 5N-JRT which occurred at Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport (DNAA) Abuja, Nigeria on December 11 2024.
Uponl anding, the right main landing gear collapsed, causing the No. 2 engine nacelle to drag along the runway.
The aircraft veered off the runway and came to rest on the grass verge. All six occupants onboard were unharmed, and no injuries were reported.
En route to collect cargo for the Central Bank of Nigeria, the aircraft experienced a flap malfunction during its final approach at Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja.
The NSIB in its preliminary report on the accident said the aircraft had arrived from Douala earlier in the morning.
aircraft came to rest on the grass verge, facing 170 degrees from the runway heading.
The right main landing gear was found sheared off from its attachment point. The No. 3 and No. 4 main wheel tires burst.
Damage was observed on the No. 2 engine nacelle and lower right-wing section. The structural integrity of the cabin and cockpit remained intact. All occupants exited safely through the forward main door without injuries.
Both the Captain and First Officer held valid licenses and medical certificates. The aircraft had a valid Certificate of Airworthiness and had performed 101 landings since November 1, 2024, 85 of which used Flaps 15.
Weather conditions were favourable with no adverse meteorological factors reported. All navigational and communication equipment, except the Airfield Lighting Panel System, were serviceable.”
Initial Safety Findings showed that “No evidence of a hard landing was detected. There were no snags recorded in the aircraft’s technical logbook.”
The accident was survivable because the structural integrity of the cabin and cockpit was not compromised. There was no fire after the occurrence, and the seat and seat belt harnesses were intact. The occupants evacuated through the aircraft’s forward main entry door.

She stated that the NSIB said investigation is still ongoing, adding that the report presents the current status of the notification’s processing. Its content according to her may still change and does not necessarily bind the conclusions published in the investigation’s final report.