Home / News / Accident: American B752 near Chicago on Nov 18th 2015, turbulence injures two cabin crew

Accident: American B752 near Chicago on Nov 18th 2015, turbulence injures two cabin crew

IMG_20151119_190130An American Airlines Boeing 757-200, registration N199AN performing flight AA-54 from Chicago O’Hare,IL (USA) to Manchester, EN (UK) with 77 people on board, had just levelled off at initial cruise level 310 about 110nm northeast of Chicago when the aircraft encountered turbulence causing injuries to two flight attendants. The crew decided to return to Chicago where the aircraft landed safely about 50 minutes after departure.

Emergency services two flight attendants received minor injuries and were taken to a hospital.

The FAA reported two flight attendants received unknown injuries, the aircraft sustained no damage.

Credit: Aviation Herald.

About Joy Ogbebo

My name is joy Ogbebo. I have spent Twenty four years in the Aviation Industry as a Cabin Crew, Crew Development Purser, Crew Line Manager, Line Trainer, Performance Manager. Customer Relationship and Head Cabin & Inflight Services. This is an industry I am very passionate about. Am happy to share my knowledge and experiences with the world. Please be my guest! Welcome Onboard!

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